Health is wealth, no question.
How do you envisage your health?
Your business health?
Your students health?
Our wellness workshops help people connect with their challenges by creating clear visions and taking responsibility and making changes. The healthier the workforce the healthier the business! More and more people are becoming chronically ill, taking more medication but not getting better. Musculo skeletetal and anxiety/stress are the main reasons people stay off work due to sickness. On lower back pain alone there is an estimated ROI of £6.61 for every £1 spent on the intervention and when days of work saved are also included, this increases to an estimated £10.17 for every £1 spent. (Return on Investment of Interventions for the Prevention and Treatment of Musculoskeletal Conditions – Public Health England October 2017.)
We’ll help everyone make their own individual choices for what’s best for their physical and mental health.
Our workshops and masterclasses, for beginners through to professionals, develop our future health is wealth ambassadors and help our ripple, ripple bigger and further. For too long, the link between employee lifestyle choices, their physical and mental health, and their work performance has been ignored. Encouraging employees to take responsibility for their health, implementing a wellness programme, we can help with that and making minor changes at work, not only makes employees feel more valued it can reduce sickness absence and presenteeism and thereby improve productivity, it’s a great return on a very low investment.
Join the NHS, colleges and businesses in working with AcademyCP to get your organisation healthier and wealthier in 2020: